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Turning challenges into opportunities
When change knocks on our door, many fronts open at the same time: The market is changing and we are urged to find our role there. The customers are changing and perhaps leaving and we have to intensify our efforts to keep them. And along all these challenges, there is our people reacting with resistance to the changing circumstances.
We cannot escape it. We cannot master it. Checkmate?
Change is highly emotional. And because it is emotional, it is happening to a large extent in the subconscious. And what is subconscious, is difficult to grasp and even more difficult to master.
There is no quick fix to a change process, but there is highly effective ones.
To turn the change process from a rocky road to a pleasant and even joyful journey, we have to reframe it and offer counter emotions that others gladly join. The moment there is a winning purpose attached to the change, a purpose that others can emotionally connect to, then we have overwritten fear and resistance with a burning desire to reach those goals that the change journey is leading us to.
Our offer to you
● Tools of choice: Insead EMC toolbox. CTT®
● Process: We build a small project team together with you. The team then invites different pilot groups for dialogue and workshops. The findings become your road map to a winning change story. From there, you are enabled to launch your change process across your organisation. It helps, if there is a CTT® survey done before.
● Effect and Outcome:
Every change process is different and your change journey will be individually tailored to your very specific needs. All questions and all answers are within your organisation. This is why everything is built on dialogue and piloting. With this, we are right at the spot where change is having an impacting on your organisation. The dialogue and piloting approach will make your people part of the change and drive change, because they are involved from the very beginning, co-creating a winning change journey together with management.
The outcome is a co-created and validated road map, along with a set of ready to use materials that enables you to do the roll-out of your change process throughout the complete organisation.